The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) is an Islamic supremacist organization founded in Egypt in 1928 shortly after the Islamic Ottoman Empire (hegemony) ended in 1924. It was started by Hasan Al-Banna. It is a global organization with presence in the United States. Most members in America keep their identity hidden. It was outlawed in Egypt for a number of years because of their supremacist and sometimes radicals views until the uprising there earlier this year. I suspect these recent "freedom" revolutions will be used by the Brotherhood for their own benefit and advancement by appealing to all who want freedom (but many do not have) claiming they also support freedom but it is an Islamic supremacist organization.
I suggest a review of some of Al-Banna's writings found on a Canadian website used by impressionable Muslim youth. Read Al-Banna's call for Jihad. The Young Muslims (Brotherhood???) of Canada website claims to have copywrited the Arabic translations of Al-Banna's work into English. Sayyid (Syed) Qutb, an early Muslim Brotherhood leader and activist whose book Milestones (Ma'alim fi al-Tariq) is also posted, too. This book led to his state imposed death in Egypt shortly after it was published in the 60s. Qutb intensely disliked the West, like Al-Banna, who both felt man-made laws were far inferior to sharia law (a cornerstone of Islamic supremacy or Islamism). It's believed Qutb may have heavily influenced Al Qaeda (PBS).
In October of 2010, the Muslim Brotherhood's supreme guide? confirmed in a sermon their hate for the U.S. and that jihad was necessary. ??On the 21st of January he wrote ??in Arabic about jihad against injustice (translated by google) is necessary even if it costs them their lives and discussed the eminence of pursuing major powers. Here's a link to a recent interview (YouTube) by CNN of a couple female Egyptians whose hatred for the U.S. and Israel is similar to many in the Middle East. They are branwashed by an Islamisic supremacist mindset, IMO.
The Muslim Brotherhood branch in Palestine created Hamas in or around 1987, whose written goals is to destroy Israel for Islam. Read The Covenant of the Islamic Resistance Movement at Yale Law School.
In December 2008, an article appeared on Al Arabiya News Channel Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood calls for Jihad. The article is not available on the website now but the pdf file of it is online.
The Muslim Brotherhood has been active in the U.S. since the 60s and set up several national organizations for political activism to further their goals, increase their political influence and, less overtly, advance their supremacist goals. Their detailed plans to destroy America for Islamic supremacy was discovered by the FBI in 2004 in a search of the home of Ismail Selim Elbarasse (see the plan below). This plan was a summation of goals already achieved and what they planned to achieve in the future. It was written in 1991 so it was in place a long time. Like-minded Muslims here do not openly speak of their support for the Islamic supremacist ideals of the Muslim Brotherhood and will go to great length to give us a different impression. Do all Muslims believe this ideology? No. One out-spoken anti-Islamist Muslim activist is Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, a physician from Arizona who is president of the American Islamic Forum for Democracy. Most Islamists here go after him with vicious and ridiculous criticism. Also, most Islamists will attack their critics with name-calling buzz words like bigots, hate-mongers, Islamophobes and refuse to discuss the SUBSTANCE of the criticism.
Complicating their subversive threat in the U.S. are those on the far-left who down-play Islamism and this threat and call critics the sames hateful names as Islamists here do. They help enable these Islamist organizations to further their shared anti-American agendas, I guess. A Muslim Brotherhood document submitted in the Holy Land Foundation terror funding trial reviews briefly their history in America. It's in their own words.
I recently found some Muslim Brotherhood writings posted at the University of Maryland by Rasayil Al-Imam Al-Shahid (this is an archived webcopy because the originals have been removed) that were posted by graduate student, Kareem Darwish, who appears to be working for Microsoft in Cairo now.
A 1994 written agenda for a meeting of the Muslim Brotherhood's Palestine Committee actually mentions CAIR (the Council on American Islamic Relations) and other MB organizations. They wrote America was the ideal location to support their movement worldwide. Check out copies of several paid checks from Hamas leader Mousa Marzook to the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP), an overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. Linking CAIR to the MB also are the IAP leaders who started CAIR, Nihad Awad and Omar Ahmed.
A 1992 Internal memo of the Islamic Association of Palestine states: Download IAP1192 (GOVERNMENT EXHIBIT 3:04-CR-2404 U.S. v. HLF,et., ")..Like other Western, Arab and Islamic arenas, the American arena has seen a move for action for the Palestinian cause by the grace of God and due to the presence of the Islamic Movement and its pioneer the Muslim Brotherhood Movement. The first organizational frame for Islamic action for Palestine came in the beginning of the eighties when the leadership of the Movement decided to establish the "Islamic Association of Palestine in North America".
A 1993 Palestine Committee document states it was formed by the Muslim Brotherhood (U.S. vs. HLF, Exhibit 003-0017). They wrote of the Islamic Association of Palestine on page 8. In a Muslim Brotherhood phone book (U.S. vs. HLF Asqar Search 1) it lists Sadoun as living in Tulsa, Nihad Awad, CAIR's Executive Director is listed along with Ahmad (Ahmed) Agha of Ponca City, #34, 32, and 24 respectivel.
In an article at the Forth Worth Star from 1994, Nihad Awad was reported as being the spokeperson of the Islamic Association of Palestine: Download Fort Worth Star1994
In 2008, at the Holy Land Foundation terror-funding trial the Dallas Morning News Crime Blog reported: FBI: CAIR is a front group, and Holy Land Foundation tapped Hamas clerics for fundraisers.
It's been my experience during my five years of research and self-education about Islamism that Islamists are not truthful when questioned about the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration in the United States. Listen to CAIR Oklahoma's director, Muneer Awad squirm with irritation when asked. Also, if they are call-out about something they wrote that's worrisome they will likely remove the webpage so its important to capture it.
On February 23rd or so, the Muslim Brotherhood wrote on their Arabic website: "...All people of Egypt join protest tomorrow; "the global anti-globalization of American hegemony & Zionism...Global Movement for protests to be set up in Algeria, Syria, Bahrain, Yemen and Morocco...that the Arab armies must prepare for war..." In other articles or interviews, they will flatly deny these things.
WSJ reporter, Ian Johsnon, investigative work 'A Mosque in Munich: Nazi, the CIA, and the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood in the West" Hudson Institute talk BookTV (video 1:45 min.) Note: at 20 minute mark Johnson talks about Said Ramadan as a Muslim Brotherhood leader. He is the son-in-law of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood and the father of Tariq Ramadan.
Muslim Networks and Movements in Western Europe Muslim Brotherhood and Jama'at-i Islami Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life (Sept 2010)
"...The Muslim Brotherhood is without question the world’s most influential modern Islamist organization..."
Politics in God's name AL-AHRAM November 1995
"...The Brotherhood rejects the secularist approach of confining Islam to a relationship between man and his creator. It became a political movement because it demanded a reform of the government and a reconsideration of the relationship of the Umma (Muslim nation) with other nations..."
Islamic Terrorism's Links To Nazi Fascism (Assyrian News Agenct 2007)
The Muslim Brotherhood's Conquest of Europe Mid East Quarterly (2005)
The History of the Muslim Brotherhood (tuftsgloballeadership)?
Al-Qaeda's Egyptian Prophet: Sayyid Qutb and the War On Jahiliya (Jamestown Foundation 2005)
Muslim Brotherhood Movement archive page from 2008
Frequently Questions
However, the Ikhwan everywhere (even in Jordon) agree that the only way to liberate Palastine is the military Jihad, and (even in Palastine) they agree that elections is one of the suitable ways to work in Egypt or Jordon. They (all) agree that building Islamic organizations is the best way to work in North America ...
One now tends to wonder what the two swords in the symbol of the Ikhwan stand for ??
The book is quran. The two swords symbolise Jihad.
Muslim Brotherhood spokesman,Kamal El-Helbawy, helped start Muslim Council of Britain, heads Centre for the Study of Terrorism Here he is in a Feb 3rd video misleading others.
Off-shoot: Al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya is Egypt's largest militant group Center for Defense Information (2002)
Elbarasse search. transcript of a conversation about the Muslim Brotherood that included when Oklahoma was brought up regarding Muslim Brotherhood shooting camps and the difficulty they had in continuing them. (see page 16)

General Strategies for the Group in North America (Muslim Brotherhood internal document discovered by the FBI in 2004 (link to the U.S. District Ct of Northern Texas) (1991). Detailed overview of their plans to destroy America for Islamic supremacy. CAIR was formed by leaders of the Islamic Association of Palestine (IAP), an overt arm of the Muslim Brotherhood (court documents). IAP was listed in their plans along with the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and a number of other organizations. Many mosques in America are affiliated with ISNA.
Alleged Hamas operative held after videotaping bridge
A rare look at secretive Brotherhood in America Chicago Tribune 2004
group aiming to create Islamic states worldwide has established roots here, in large part under the guidance of Egypt-born Ahmed Elkadi