Recently, the newly formed Oklahoma chapter of the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR) was reported to have given a presentation to the Oklahoma State School Boards Association and offered them plenty literature on Islam to be placed ino the public schools in Oklahoma.
I didn't find this article in any newspaper in Oklahoma, I found it on Islamonline, a Middle East website! Now, why would this little bitty news story be picked up all the way across the world, in the Middle East? Is the community of Islam watching what is going on in Oklahoma? Was it featured to show how the new chapter of CAIR in Oklahoma is on the ball and working to spread Islam?
In case the link doesn't work, I made a copy: Download cair_ok_islamonline.doc
Let's see, now wasn't CAIR named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Hamas Terrorism Funding Trial for their association with the Muslim Brotherhood and/or Hamas?
I now get it why the federal government named those who are associated with the Muslim Brotherhood as unindicted co-consipirators since global Islamic rule is their ultimate goal which would mean eventually overthrowing our government, right? An overthrow gradually accomplished by changing our laws, exerting pressure, nagging, pushing, complaining over a long, long, long period of time.
Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words:
Maybe I've figured out whyIslamonline used the article on CAIR in Oklahoma, or maybe not. But I'd sure like to know why CAIR is being embraced by the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City and the Islamic Society Tulsa.
Please don't tell me they also want to overthrow our government and put in place this Islamic rule? Surely not. But based on what CAIR's Executive Director said in in 1998, it makes me wonder, big time. Omar Ahmad, CAIR's Executive Director said on July 4, 1998 that Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other religion but to be dominant and the Koran should be the highest authority in America. He also stated Muslims should NOT to assimilate but to share the Islamic message to those who are on "the wrong side". The article is attachment below so you can read it for yourself. Download 394.pdf
I'd also like to know what Oklahoma Muslim leaders have to say about Ahmad's role in setting up a meeting with Hamas in 1993 that was recorded by the FBI andwhat he said that was caught on video tape about his supported for HAMAS whose goal is to destroy Israel.
The Oklahoma Islamic societies have actually partnered with CAIR
If you are concerned about CAIR's relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood and why it is encouraging the Oklahoma State School Boards Association to bring Islam into the Oklahoma public schools, I encourage you to call or write them. I think I will try to get a statement from them and report back.
2801 N. Lincoln Blvd, Ste 125
Oklahoma City, OK 73105
Phone: (405)528-3571 • Toll Free: (888)528-3571
Update: 9/19/07: Today, I talked to a lady by the name of June at the Oklahoma State School Boards Association. She said she prepared the program at the convention and no one was there by the name of the Council of American Islamic Relations or CAIR. She brushed off my questions and said people lie all the time. I asked her a 2nd time if she was sure they weren't there and she said, again, people lie all the time and hung up on me. She seemed somewhat upset. Upon reflection of her reply, I'm surprised she didn't want to read the article for herself to see what CAIR said about their presentation to their association. I would have wanted to see it, if it was me. She refused to give me her last name which is fine, I don't blame her.
I just sent an email to CAIR-OK asking for their input about about the article. Do you think I will get a reply?
Update: 11/23/07: CAIR OK never replied to my inquiry, which is exactly what I expected..
CAIR-OK Website
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