Jamal Badawi was the hand-picked expert the Islamic Society of Tulsa chose to be their Quranic voice in a debate with Pastor Reza Safa. It's not surprising, at all, to read in the Tulsa World that security will be tight for this debate. But to start the article off about this is amazing. It's a right hook to the jaw of our civil society. Does it have anything to do with Badawi being named in documents found by the FBI as a leading member of the Muslim Brotherhood?
First, a little about Pastor Reza Safa. I saw him on CNN or Fox News in an interview. His love of God was unmistakable. He was born and raised in Iran as a Shiite Muslim. When he heard the message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in Sweden, he began a long struggle. See, in Iran citizens are forbidden from hearing the gospel, as it is the case in every Muslim country. To make sure Muslims stay Muslims conversion from Islam is punishable by death in Iran. After months of struggling and fearful of Islam, Safa committed his life to Jesus Christ and accepted Him as his Lord and Savior. Pastor Reza Safa now lives in Tulsa, Oklahoma and his ministry reach is worldwide. Respecting this man's work and the struggles he has endured is easy.
Several young Tulsa Muslims from the Islamic Society of Tulsa (IST) got upset with Pastor Safa, according to the Tulsa Beacon. “A group of Muslims from the Islamic Society of Tulsa interrupted our service on September 11 at our church demanding a debate within 30 days,” Safa said in a press release. “They were furious because in a local newspaper I declared that Muslims could not be friends with Christians. “---The Islamic Society of Tulsa claims strongly that they are a peaceful organization, yet the person that they have invited,---is Dr. Jamal Badawi, a member of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) Fiqh Council.”
This very disrespectful interruption was captured on video and posted on YouTube by the Islamic Society of Tulsa but then it disappeared before the debate. An smart observer saved it. (Thanks AH)
Shortly after this happened, in the Islamic Society of Tulsa's next monthly newsletter there was an article titled the "Four Poisons of the Heart". One of the four poisons is about keeping bad company. The only good company? A fellow Muslim: "...people of religious innovation and misguidance, those who abandon the sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and advocate other beliefs" -- whose company is "doom itself" and like "taking poison." Download Oct07NL.pdf
These Tulsa Muslims publicly accused Pastor Safa of something that appears to be exactly what the Islamic Society of Tulsa advocates to its very own members!
It won't be how Badawi can debate everyone has got the Quran wrong but, rather, it is the associations Badawi is part of, who chairs them, and what they stand for in the Islamic world. this is the real story. Many of his talks are on-line and you can go here where I've posted a number of them. On his resume, Badawi directs people to Islamonline for more of his work. Qatar-based Islamonline was created in 1999 and is chaired by Yusef Qaradawi who is banned from entering the United States because of his support for terrorism! He is a Muslim scholar and often called the spiritual leader of the Muslim Brotherhood. It's interesting to note, he created this website right after he was banned from travel to the U.S. in 1999. Coincidence?
As a student in his native Egypt in the 1940s, Qaradawi studied under Hassan el-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, who established the intellectual basis for violent anti-Western Sunni Muslim groups, including al-Qa'eda, according to an article in the London Telegraph in 2005. In the early 1950s he volunteered to fight the British occupation of the Suez Canal and in 1954 his connection to the brotherhood led to the first of several arrests by Egyptian authorities, the article states. "The Israelis might have nuclear bombs but we have the children bomb and there human bombs must continue until liberation," said Qaradawi also. In 2004 Qaradawi stated in a BBC interview suicide bombers are martyrs! This is a must read if you want expand your knowledge about this close associate of Jamal Badawi.
Islamonline helps certain terrorists around the world get some of their views out. Here you will find article about and by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad leaders, including Rima Fakhry, female leading member of Hizbullah, Ahmed Yassin (deceased), Abdel Aziz Rantisi (deceased) , Mousa Abu Marzook, Political Chief of Hamas, Abu Qusaiof the Al-Aqsa Martyrs, Brigades, Sami Al-Arian and Rafiq Jaber, President of the Islamic Association for Palestine, Abdurahman Alamoudi (currently serving a 25 year prison term in America, Hizbollah and Hamas. There are articles like "Israel's Right to Exist", which states that for Hamas to recognize "Israel's right to exist" is unreasonable, immoral and impossible to meet."
Articles from the likes of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Muslim American Society (MAS), and the Muslim Student Association (MSA) can be found on this site. Apparently, these American Islamic organizations, claiming to represent mainstream Muslims, have no problem with the dangerous and offensive subject matter found on the website. Jamal Badawi isn't bothered by this either as he regularly contributes to this website as a Muslim scholar.
Affiliations listed on Badawi's resume:
- The European Council of Fatwa and Research
- International Union of Islamic Scholars: Badawi is a Board of Trustee member
- Islamic Juridical [Fiqh] Council of North America: Badawi is an executive member of theExecutive Council
The first two organizations listed here are chaired by, none other than, Yusef Qaradawi!
The European Council of Fatwa's Deputy Chair, Sheikh Mawlawi, wrote on Islamonline that killing every Jew in Israel is OK because they have taken over our holy land and that martyr operations are NOT suicide. Badawi is a member of this organization!
Do you see where these organizations are coming from? Certainly, not in the direction Badawi will try to take us about the glorious Quran.
A 2005 Wall Street Journal article suggests that rulings from the Middle East to Muslims in Europe hinders the integrations of Muslims - exactly what the Muslim leadership in the Middle East want to avoid. They seek to manage European Muslims and those in the U.S. through these international organizations and websites.
Not listed on Badawi's resume:
- Muslim American Society: Badawi is one of 3 incorporating founders and directors of the Muslim American Society, a Muslim Brotherhood arm.
- The Islamic American University, a subsidiary of the Muslim American Society
International Association of Muslim Scholars (IAMS)
- Jamal Badawi is a member, its president: Yusef Qaradawi
The Council of American-Islamic Relations in Canada
- Jamal Badawi is a board member
- The Islamic Society of North America
- Jamal Badawi is listed as a member of the board of directors
The later two organizations were named unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation terror funding trial for their relationship to the Muslim Brotherhood. As a point of reference, HLF was originally incorporated as the Occupied Land Fund in 1988. HLF was shut down from operations by the U.S. government. All five defendants were found guilty of aiding the financing of Hamas.
One of Badawi organizations, the International Association of Muslim Scholars (IAMS) ruled in 2004 thatresisting occupation troops in Iraq is a “duty” on able Iraqi Muslims in and outside the war-torn country and that aiding the occupier is impermissible. The association describes itself as a non-governmental body with the objective of establishing a 'global Islamic authority'. IAMS even blames the problem in Darfur as Western lies to distract the world from the Palestine conflict and never mentions the fact that Islamic forces are heavily involved there.
The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) was listed as members of the US Muslim Brotherhood in a document discovered by the FBI, called the "General Strategies for the Group in North America", on page 15 with a number of other organizations. ISNA and Dr. Jamal Badawi Foundation are named on page 26 of this document as playing an key role in the Muslim Brotherhood plans in America "providing the seed of the comprehensive dawa organization." That means spreading Islam. *The General Strategic Goals for the Group in North American" can be read in this pdf file.
The Muslim Brotherhood was the subject of a 2004 Chicago Tribune investigative report. It showed the connection of the Muslim American Society, (MAS), to the Muslim Brotherhood. You can read the reporthere.
In a 9/16/04 letter-to-the-Editor, MAS President, Esam Omeish, discusses the influence of the Muslim Brotherhood on the activism undertaken by Muslims in the U.S.
FBI agent Lara Burns testified in the Holy Land Foundation terror funding trial about a phone book found at the home of Ismail Elbarrasse, an unindicted co-conspirator and former assistant to HAMAS leader Musa Abu Marzook. The book listed the names and numbers of the Muslim Brotherhood leadership in the United States. On the first page of the phone book under the title “Members of the Board of Directors” were fifteen names. Among those names are Ahmad Elkadi, Jamal Badawi, and Omar Soubani: the founding incorporators of the Muslim American Society (MAS) mentioned above. Take a look at thephonebook exhibit in the trial.
My God, my fellow Americans, the Muslim Brotherhood is the parent of Hamas and possibly Al-Qaeda, as well as the leading proponent of the Islamic supremacist, pro-Sharia movement. You can read the Hamas charter and its relationship to the Muslim Brotherhood at Yale Law School.
Badawi was named individually (page 4, #20) by the U.S. government as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation (HLF) terror funding trial. CAIR and ISNA are also listed in this document, page 5, Sec. III #11, page 6, Sec. VII #3. The North American Islamic Trust is listed on page 8, Sec. VII #6. Hamas, Musa Marzook, Kalid Mishal, and Yusef Qaradawi are also listed in this document.
In 2003 Badawi is featured in an article on Islamonline about getting Sharia Law in Canada. Badawi stated "Muslims in the U.S. and Britain already have similar (Sharia) juristic councils that render decisions which are routinely upheld by the courts." Funny, I've never heard of one case, have you?
It's shocking, but more importantly, revealing whom the Islamic Society of Tulsa selected to represent them in the debate.
The Islamic Society of Tulsa is likely an affiliate or an extension or has leanings or shares an ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood based on their associations with these identified MB agents in America; CAIR, ISNA, NAIT and now Badawi. To be fair, it is possible that some of their members have no clue. Or perhaps, they have all been completely fooled, but I doubt it.
The Muslim Brotherhood is banned from running for political office as a party in Egypt and is illegal. Often their members are arrested accused of belonging to this illegal organization. Cleverly, their members run for office as independents. I don't think we will be reading of any visits by Badawi or Qaradawi to this Islamic country. Surprisingly, this organization is not banned in the U.S. - which will inevitably happen since they want America to become an Islamic state. Our government, so far, has only outed them.
“We will conquer Europe, we will conquer America! Not through (the) sword, but through Da’awa,” al-Qaradawi told members of the Muslim Arab Youth Association at the group’s 1995 convention in Toledo, Ohio, before he was banned from the U.S.
A post written by Patrick Poole about Badawi, Terror-linked Islamofascist in November might be useful to review. In July 2007, Badawi traveled to Qatar, where he was a featured guest speaker at aconference honoring Qaradawi. And here's a link to a video of part of the conference in Qatar in which Badawi attended wherein Hamas Leader Khaled Mash'al praises Sheik Yousef Al-Qaradawi for his support of suicide operations and states: "The holocaust was exaggerated and is used to extort Germany. Zionist Holocaust against Aaabs much worse."
And Qaradawi's reach also involved commerce in the U.S. America's Caribou Coffee (2nd in number of stores to Starbucks) is owned largely by First Islamic Investment Bank. The chairman of their Sharia supervisory board was Yusef Qaradawi (page 34)! In 2002 the bank said they severed ties with Qaradawi after this caused quite a problem.
Qaradawi said in a speech in 2007 that the real celebration for Muslims will be on the day when the (Palestine) nation is united, when the land of Islam is freed, and when Aqsa mosque is liberated. The Aqsa mosque is in Jerusalem. See, most Muslims believe Jerusalem is their land although it is not mentioned in the Quran once. For that matter, neither is Palestine.
It seems irrelevant to Muslims that Biblical and archaeological history ties Christianity and the Jewish faith firmly to Jerusalem. How much more disrespectful could you show to these faiths claiming it is their land. The land for the Children of Israel is clearly discussed in the Bible and the Quran Unbelievable. But Muslims believe their religion supercedes all other religions and they view the world from their myopic Islamic eyes. This is dangerous.
Recently, Badawi was challenged to disassociate himself from Islamonline by two Canadian Jewish groups because of a poem published on the website called "How to Behead." So far, Badawi has not done so nor do I think he will.
The big smoking gun for me is Badawi's statement on martyrdom on Islamonline in 2006 which contradictsthe Fiqh Council of North America's fatwa against terrorism and extremism in 2005. The fatwa said that suicide bombing or any other method of attack is haram -– forbidden against civilians -– and those who commit such barbaric acts are criminals, not martyrs. Here's the Fatwa with Badawi's name listed.
The Islamic Society of Tulsa shocked many Oklahomans when they embraced and began partnering with the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR) last year. To get a better feel for IST go here and here.
As a side note, CAIR has a history of suing people who criticize Islam. CAIR has sued Shawn Steel, California Republican Party Chairman, David Frum [National Review], Congressman Ballenger, Andrew Whitehead [leader of Anti-CAIR] and others. They will use our legal system to advance their cause along with their influence with politicians at the local, state and national level.
Or they may issue "Action Alerts" wherein they ask their members to write letters or e-mails complaining about someone's crtique of Islam they find offensive, such as in the case of Michael Savage where they have been quite successful in getting a number of advertizers to withdraw their ads from Savage's show. CAIR has also been successful in getting at least one person fired. Read more here and here.
CAIR seeks to marginalize and then end discussion of the dangers inherent in Islam through intimidation. Criticizing Islam, even if its true, is against Sharia Law. In Islamic countries no one is allowed to criticize Islam.
CAIR even has a statement from Yusef Qaradawi on their website posted shortly after 9/11, which is still there today.
"...We Arab Muslims are the most affected by the grave consequences of hostile attack on man and life. We share the suffering experienced by innocent Palestinians at the hands of the tyrannial Jewish entity who raze the Palestinian homes to the ground, set fire to their tilth, kill them cold-bloodedly, and leave innocent orphans wailing behind..."
When I read the Islamic Society of Tulsa's August newsletter, imagine my horror to read that one of the best ways to die as a Muslim was while fighting and dying for Allah or for Islam itself! It didn't say striving, they wrote FIGHTING and DYING.
And in the November newsletter , Allison Moore wrote "Too Many Americans Don't Get Jihad," because of our ignorance of Islam. She blamed the media and uneducated bloggers for the problem - not the fact that Islamic fighters carry out Islamic driven attacks somewhere in the world on a daily basis.
These newsletters provide us with a good insight into the heart and mind of the Islamic Society of Tulsa despite all their public rhetoric brought to us by the IST women they use as their public voice. The men? They appear to have gone underground.
The true face of the Islamic Society of Tulsa is emerging.
Update 2/21/08: Just found link to the debate on Youtube here (13 videos). It's worth watching but the quality isn't as good as the DVD put out by Reza Safa which you can purchase here
Update 1/28/08: KRAQ morning show discusses the debate
IslamOnline.net- Multimedia - Library - Debate
Dosier of the Muslim American Society by the Investigative Project
NEFA Foundation: The Muslim Brotherhood in the United States - including relevant trial evidence numbers. On page 8:
...A little further on, al-Noman returns to the topic, describing how in some areas, such as Oklahoma, weapons training has become more difficult because the authorities “started to get strict about letting Muslims use the camps..."
Counterterrorism Blog: Muslim Brotherhood for Beginners
Holy Land Foundation terror funding trial documents - trial rescheduled for September 2008.
Dallas Morning News archives on Holy Land Foundation 1994-Present
4/8/07: US Democrat in Brotherhood meeting Al Jazeera