Wow, check out the book Barack Obama is reading, "The Post-American World." This is a book written by Fareed Zakaria. The Post American World? Now, let that sink in for a minute.
Here's some background on the author, Zakaria's father, Rafiq Zakaria, was a politician associated with the Indian National Congress and an Islamic scholar, according to Wikipedia. So, can we assume Fareed is Muslim, too? There's an article (archived) in New York magazine in 2003 (original) that says so:
"...Newsweekcolumnist Fareed Zakaria has the perfect intellectual pedigree (Indian-born, educated at Harvard, conservative) for a fast-changing world, and the kinds of friends in high places who can push a career into overdrive. The first Muslim secretary of State? Don’t bet against it.---He’s an Indian-born, Yale- and Harvard-educated Muslimwho moves easily between Condoleezza Rice and Pervez Musharraf, Tony Blair and Prince Turki Al-Faisal. He’s a conservative who is willing to question one of the most cherished principles of the West—democracy—but also a naturalized citizen who believes in America’s world-historical mission.."
You know there are Muslims who follow spiritual Islam or secular Islam and then there are Muslims who believe in political Islam - or Islamism which is a religious ideology that encompasses Islamic rule and domination. It's in the Quran. Our struggle for survival over the coming decades will likely be with Islamists - those who want political power for religious gain and control and with those who partner with them. In America, it's many on the left. Want to bet there are some Islamists already in place within our government and the media?
On Zakaria's website, he argues that the "rise of the rest" is the "great story" of our time. Now, that is kinda scary to call our downslide a great story, isn't it? So, what are Mr. Zakaria's ultimate intentions here, I wonder? What are his loyalties to the United States? And why is senator and presidential candidate Barack Obama reading this book?
Update 6/2008: The Future of American Power How America Can Survive the Rise of the Rest by Zakaria
Update 9/20/2008: Zakaria's case against Sarah Palin (video)
Update 10/12/08: In case you aren't familiar with Zakaria he is now a CNN commentator with his own show on the weekends. Recently, he interview Kenya's Raila Odinga who claimed to be Obama's cousin. His show transcripts are here.
Update 11/7/08: Zakaria: Obama could be another FDR and realign the political landscape... CNN video
Update 2/28/09: Learning to Live With Radical Islam by Fareed Zakaria
"...Beyond Afghanistan, too, it is crucial that we adopt a more sophisticated strategy toward radical Islam. This should come naturally to President Obama, who spoke often on the campaign trail of the need for just such a differentiated approach toward Muslim countries..."
Update 6/8/09: CNN panelist: Muslims expect Obama to speak like the great caliph! (Zakaria's show, of course)
Update 8/26/09: Fareed Zakaria, Yale Press, and Censorship: Fareed Zakaria, editor for Newsweek's international edition, host for CNN, and member of Yale University's governing body, tells the Boston Globe that he was consulted about Yale University Press's publication of a book looking at the Muhammad cartoon crisis in Denmark, and that he recommended censorship of the book..."
Here's a journalist and a writer who believes in censorship. Oh, oh that's not good.
Update 6/8/10: From January, there's an article titled Zakaria: Don't Overreact to Terrorism - Newsweek on the Christmas Day failed bombing. And from June Predictable: CNN's Fareed Zakaria Blames Bush for Israeli Flotilla ...
Also, I discovered another book he wrote titled The Future of Freedom: Illiberal Democracy at Home and Abroad(Hardcover) In this book Zakaria writes, once again, against America.
Also see:
The Politics Of Rage: Why Do They Hate Us? - Newsweek
By Fareed Zakaria. To the question "Why do the terrorists hate us? ... Many of the largest Muslim countries in the world show little of this anti-American ...
His website states, "Since October 2000, Dr. Zakaria has overseen all of Newsweek’s editions abroad -
BBC interview with Zakaria on his book The Post American World from 2008