The Hilton hotel in Oak Lawn, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, will provide facilities for an Islamist organization which seeks to bring the world under Islamic rule. The Islamist political organization Hizb ut-Tahrir (HT), which is banned in a number of countries, including Egypt and Pakistan, apparently signed a contract with the Hilton for use of their grand ballroom. During the Bush administration, HT operated in the shadows. Now, they operate openingly.
The Hilton, obviously, did not do their homework.
A press release titled The Khilafah Conference 2009-America was released today by HT. They listed this phone number; 312.675.5821, as their contact number but provided no names. Muslim convert Jaleel Abdul-Adil, a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Illinois, was identified as a HT member by the Jamestown Foundation
On the occasion of the destruction of the Islamic State, Hizb ut-Tahrir America is holding a public conference on July 19, 2009. Under the title of "Fall of Capitalism and Rise of Islam," the conference will address the era of global change. It will present Islam as a platform for an ideological alternative to replace a failing system that has failed the whole of humanity. From the midst of Africa to the cities of America, people are suffering from the failing policies that have left hundreds of millions of people in hunger and poverty. The conference will emphasize the importance of the Caliphate State (Khilafah) that will introduce a new world order based on equality, justice and the well-being of humanity.
Hizb-ut-Tahrir is a political party whose ideology is Islam. It is working in the Muslim world so that the Muslim people adopt Islam as their cause in restoring the Islamic way of life through re-establishing the Khilafah (Caliphate) Hizb-ut-Tahrir's purpose is to revive the Muslim world from its declining state, and to liberate it from man made systems and laws. It also works to remove the domination and influence of the Western states over Muslims. Hizb ut-Tahrir is a non-violent organization, and has no history of such incidents since its inception more that 55 years ago..."
HT is an Islamc supremacy political party and they are in America! Although their press release claims they are non-violent, this google search about HT appears to prove otherwise, as do some of the links below.
What in the hell was the Hilton Oak Lawn thinking?
Update 7/19/09: Hizb ut-Tahrir Refutes Extremism Charges In An Interview With CBS News Before Its Upcoming Conference
"...The sponsor of the conference, Hizb ut-Tahrir, is an organization that has been banned in Germany and several Middle Eastern countries because of its views. It is sometimes described as "extremist" and "radical" by analysts and research groups. In a phone interview with CBS News, the conference's deputy spokesperson stressed that Hizb ut-Tahrir does not call for violence or spread radical ideas.
"Those are mere accusations," said Reza Imam (HT America's deputy spokesperson). "The track record of Hizb ut-Tahrir speaks for itself louder than I ever could," he added. He points out that the group has never been charged of being connected to violent activities (Z: individuals members have been charged and sentenced for their actions and the group is banned in a number of countries) and adds that Hizb ut-Tahrir has stated that harming civilians was against Islam..."Hizb ut-Tahrir are not a terrorist organization, but they do believe in using violent force to remove a democratic government. - a former member said..."
Update 7/19/09: Shadowy Islamist group, Hizb ut-Tahrir, streams their caliphate conference
Update 7/20/09: Screen shot of the newly uploaded audio of their caliphate conference which is in 3 parts and iis about their Islamic supremacy goals and the failure of capatilism. This was the first of two sessions at their conference:
I will never stay at a Hilton again! EVER.
Also see:
From Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, my favorite Muslim whom I deeply respect: Jihadist Indoctrination Group Recruiting in Chicago:
“...Americans need to be vigilant to not allow Hizb ut-Tahrir to establish a stronghold in the American Muslim Community,” said Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, President of AIFD. “All American Muslim organizations including CAIR (Council for American Islamic Relations) and ISNA (Islamist Society of North America) need to be on the record that Hizb ut-Tahrir’s actions, ideologies and mission are unacceptable to both Americans and as Muslims...”
Hizb ut-Tahrir set for coup in Pakistan -
CAIRO: Egypt sentenced 26 people including three Britons to between one and five ... The men were charged in 2002 as suspected members of Hizb ut-Tahrir ...
Muslim group Tony Blair promised to ban calls for 'jihad' at London... - Apr 17, 2009
Dr Imran Waheed, told followers of Hizb ut-Tahrir that there could be "no peace" with Israel and urged them to "fight in the way of Allah". A leaflet distributed by the international wing of the organisation also called for Muslim countries to "eliminate the state of the Jews". The remarks increased pressure on Jacqui Smith, the Home Secretary, to ban Hizb ut-Tahrir.
Little Green Footballs - Hizb Ut-Tahrir in Sydney Calls for Jihad ...
Hizb-ut-Tahrir's Activities in the United States Jamestown Foundation 2007
"...HTA's presence in the United States was not limited to the two coasts. Some of HTA's most influential members are in the Midwest, including Palestinian-Jordanian Mohammed Malkawi (also known as Abu Talha), formerly a professor of electrical engineering at the University of Wisconsin, and Muslim convert Jaleel Abdul-Adil, currently a professor of clinical psychology at the University of Illinois, Chicago. YouTube - Is the method of Prophet(saw) Applicable today? Nov 20, 2006 ... Dr Jaleel Abdul Adil(Chicago USA) at a conference titled "The Method To Re-Establish the Khilafah" his talk was titled "Is the Method of ... (note: video has been removed but was there at one time)
The wrong voice for Muslim Britain
Times Online - Aug 5, 2007
And Omar Bakri Mohammed, a former Hizb ut-Tahrir leader – now deported to Lebanon ... Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, were members of HuT. ...
CBS News - May 18, 2004
While in Jordan he also associated with Hizb ut Tahrir, an angry, ... 2002 was carried out directly by another jihadi leader, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. ...
PCHR condemns ban on Hizb-Ut-Tahreer peaceful conference in Ramallah